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July 25, 2011

Zynga’s Brand New Game – Empires & Allies

In the world of Facebook, games are found in abundance. This is no surprise to those fans of Zynga Incorporated, the family of the majority of games on this social website.

Recently added is the new Empires & Allies to the zany world of energy filled, quest dominating, spontaneous games that Zynga has put forward. With the new addition, gamers can find themselves building their islands to defend against all enemies and declaring neutrality to others.

Facebook is launching many new game platforms. This member has recently incorporated the ideas of other games, yet bring a fresh new look to a different world. Your territory becomes unfriendly soil where your neighbors can either visit and help, or just as equally bomb the living daylights out of your properties.

Taking turns bombing each other isn’t the only thing that you can do. Earn reputation, honor, infamy and allies that will help you get through missions. Pay close attention to each of the quests as they come to you. The speed of the game is incredible, but will take your time to manage through every level.

Your foot soldiers, cannons, tanks and aircraft are very necessary for what you need to get through the game. Each different piece will cover and defend parts of your island, so make sure that you have all of your basics covered. As you visit neighbors, you can gain extras off of them, five clicks at a time.

Work hard to collect everything you need from uranium to oil, lumber to plants. Farms, lumber yards, and oil rigs are only a few of the industrial parts to this island empire. Along with that, you will need to construct your government buildings in order to raise your population levels.

As you start off with the game, Zynga has enlisted the traditional tutorial session to get you through the series. Level up, build farms, raise flags, and defend what should be rightfully yours. Gain the spoils of victory with every island you capture. Pay close attention to which of your artillery sections will knock out the enemy. Choosing the wrong one can be dreadfully painful in losses rather than high scoring victories.

Facebook and Zynga Incorporated have teamed up together to provide the best in help forums, question and answer services, and friendly add ons. Become a member to find new neighbors, ask questions, and receive help if you are stuck within the game and cannot figure out which way to turn.

As with most Zynga games, with the exception of just a couple, you have your energy bar that limits what you can or cannot do within the time frame you are on there. This is instilled to make sure that all players have the equal chance to play comfortably without launching neighbors into much higher levels.

Take your toll and make a frame for your name and your island in the newest of the Zynga family, Empires & Allies. Zynga promises you will not be disappointed as you find out who your enemies are, and take the stressors out on explosive gaming action.

Genna Lasko is an avid social gamer and an expert on Facebook and Zynga games such as Empires & Allies. Genna’s best Zynga game tips are on her personal gaming site: