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July 25, 2011

Empires And Allies Speed Levelling


In every Facebook social game there are masters. The people who are masters may spend a lot of their time playing the game, but not necessarily on their own, as playing by yourself is a lot more time consuming when your main aim is to be the best.

The REAL masters of Facebook games know the tricks, techniques, and yes, the secrets. When it comes to levelling in ANY Facebook game, the best thing to do is to play with neighbours. The real masters play with their neighbours, and receive a lot of gifts and have many neighbours.

To get neighbours you will have to search on Facebook for groups such as "Empires & Allies Neighbours". Pages like this will allow you to go on the wall and post "ADD ME". This will lead to a lot of people who play the game to add you. The page where you can post is called the discussion page. However, it is important that you are on the FIRST page, otherwise people won't look for you!

Start a new topic saying something simple, such as "ADD ME" on each group and page for Empires & Allies; this will soon allow you to have the key advantage to success... having lots of neighbours. Within 2 hours, this method worked so well that it got me 150 friends. Each and every one of these new friends wanted to be neighbours on Empires & Allies. If you were to spend 10-15 minutes posting "ADD ME" on different group pages each day for a week, I'm sure the results would be very impressive.

With a high number of neighbours you will also notice a high number of gifts coming in! Neighbours can help you work on your empire, get you coins, and even get you experience points, and best of all, you will even save energy as they will do the work for you!

Another way is to work with your neighbour on their empire. There are three important things to help you out... coins, honour, and goods. Every time you get honour points you get a heart, when you get 100, you go up a reputation level. The more honour levels you have, the more free stuff you will receive - this includes power ups!

So there we have it, a proven successful method to getting your empire up and running, and it will save you a lot of time! Good luck.

If you want to find more tips, secrets, and cheats to achieving total Empires & Allies domination, then please have a look at the ultimate Empires & Allies guide!

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